A Short Guide to Using LinkedIn for Professional Success while at Graduate Business School

LinkedIn offers a world of opportunity for business students. The platform is the most used professional networking site in the world, with two new members joining every second. Today, LinkedIn has more than 660 million members in more than 200 countries

Students can use LinkedIn to advance in their careers, expand their network, launch their own business, develop new skills, and more. According to AdWeek, 92% of recruiters use social media sites like LinkedIn to find high-quality candidates. Read on to find out how to use LinkedIn for professional success while at business school. 

Set Your Intention for Using LinkedIn 

In order to get the most out of LinkedIn, you need to decide what you want to achieve. Are you looking to secure a new job opportunity, grow your network with new connections, or reach potential clients? 

It’s a good idea to mention this intention somewhere in your summary for your network and connections to see. How you actually use LinkedIn on a day-to-day basis while at graduate business school will also differ slightly depending on your goal. 

MBA Degree Students Should Be Professional and Personal on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is different from other social media sites like Facebook, as you will need to ensure that your activity on the site is always professional. Don’t post anything that you wouldn’t want your future boss or clients to see. 

However, you still want to show some personality and individuality. Make sure to update your profile photo with a professional-looking headshot or another work-related photo. A good image will make people more likely to connect with you, as you will seem more human.

Try to write in a professional tone when posting updates and writing your description. You can still use humor and personality, but ask yourself – would I write this in an email at work?

You need to strike the tone between professional and personal on LinkedIn

Post Regular Updates 

In order to get the most out of LinkedIn and increase your chances of finding new connections, it’s important to be an active user on the site. If you attend a networking event, a company visit, or a panel discussion, take a photo and share any interesting updates with your network. You can also use it as a platform to share your professional and academic achievements. 

Connect with Other Professionals 

If you meet someone at an event, at university, or during work experience, don’t hesitate to ask them to connect on LinkedIn. This is a great way of staying in contact as you continue with your career after an MBA degree

Use Relevant Keywords in Your Headline 

Your headline is the first thing that people will see on your LinkedIn profile. This is also what will be shown in the search bar when potential employers, clients, or connections search for you. Make sure that your headline accurately reflects what you do, or what you’re looking to do, so that the right people can find you.

Make sure that your headline is clear and includes keywords

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