EMBA: Navigating Global Megatrends for Global Economic Impact

Megatrends Shaping the Global Economy

The global economy is constantly susceptible to change. In particular, digital transformation and sustainability are two of the top megatrends affecting the world today. With both of these megatrends, an EMBA degree can help you develop the problem-solving and creative thinking skills you’ll need to discover opportunities and foresee potential challenges. As you study at Business School Lausanne, you’ll develop the ability to apply these skills to real-world situations and make the most of these growing trends. 

Here’s how earning an executive MBA degree can help you address different megatrends.

Digital Transformation: How Technology Shapes the Future of the Business World

At Business School Lausanne, we work hard to equip our students with the skills and insight needed to navigate the megatrends affecting the business world. Digital transformation is a megatrend that is having a significant effect on business as a whole, particularly amid growing technological trends like artificial intelligence, Big Data, additive manufacturing, Blockchain, machine learning, robotics, cloud technology, and more. Companies the world over are deciding how best to make use of these new technologies. Deciding whether to plan for a switch to autonomous fleets for shipments, or on how best to utilize Big Data, can have a profound impact on a business’ bottom line. EMBA Students at BSL can learn how best to adapt to an ever-changing technological landscape, and how to build strong business models while embracing the changes surrounding them.

Sustainability: How to Keep Businesses Strong Through Whatever the Future Holds

One of the core points of focus that students pursuing their EMBA degree at BSL should understand is the importance of sustainability in the business world. This is because it’s a megatrend that has an impact on every industry going forward, and is a pertinent topic for businesses and the global economy in both present and future terms. For example, one could envision an increased shift toward technological advancements for environmental sustainability, such as zero-emission technologies or global power generation. Studying at BSL will give you an education that emphasizes the importance of sustainable development, and BSL also has a partnership with EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne), with whom we host yearly symposiums on topics related to sustainability and transitioning toward a more eco-friendly future for society.

Sustainability is a megatrend that BSL considers a major point of focus

Courses You Take During Your EMBA Degree Can Help Prepare You Beforehand

Any student pursuing an executive MBA degree at BSL can learn how to find solutions to pertinent global issues, and how to become a business practitioner with a keen eye for innovation. For example, our EMBA in Sustainable Business offers students courses that can directly help them better address global economic trends. This includes Trend Analysis and Scenario Planning, which helps students become better prepared for future changes in business, and how to use such uncertainty to their benefit. Other courses like Change Management,  Digital Business Transformation, and specialization courses in Sustainable Business can work to enhance students’ ability to lead through organizational changes, embrace technological advancements for their industry, and make good use of sustainability for their business.

Are you looking to attend graduate business school?

Contact Business School Lausanne to find out how you can get your executive MBA degree!