Business Innovation Week – Winter 2020/2021 – Day 1 Recap


Living in the age of the internet and technology, students of BSL wondered how e-commerce works. It is an exciting topic for students to explore different boundaries of doing business. This blog focuses on the exchange of knowledge between guest speakers and students. Finally, students of BSL got an opportunity to directly interact and apply their knowledge.

Introducing Guest Speaker 1:  Anna Dudoukin 

The first guest speaker to join us was founder of Niasha, a fast growing  KBeauty online shop in Switzerland. Ms. Anna Dudoukin was born in Russia and moved to Switzerland with her family when she was 10. After graduating school, she pursued her studies by distance learning at the Moscow State Linguistic University and in parallel got a full time job as a spa receptionist at the Beau Rivage Palace in Lausanne. After 2 years of working in hospitality, she decided to turn her career path towards finance and for the next 5 years, worked in wealth management and private banking. 


Ms. Anna Dudoukin covered the first steps of setting up an e-commerce store, speaking about legal issues, cash flow, delegation of tasks and choosing suppliers. It was incredibly insightful to hear the internet’s potential. There are a lot of advantages to doing business online compared to the traditional way such as digital marketing, reaching a wider range audience as well as the possibility to save on rent. However, there are some limitations to it, such as formalities. However, thanks to the internet, freelance talents are easily accessible. She taught us that starting an online business is a lot about entrepreneurship and grasping opportunities.

Background of Guest Speaker 2:  Benjamin Wundermann

Mr. Benjamin Wundermann is the founder of Gustave Hospitality, the first hotel supplier solution specialized in eco-friendly products. Gustave Hospitality is now growing to become a hotel supplies marketplace for b2b and serves clients ranging from BnBs to 5-star hotels.

Since then, Mr. Benjamin Wundermann developed a passion for the digital world, especially e-commerce. After having tried dropshipping with little success, he understood that building a brand was better, for him, to achieve sustainable growth.


Mr. Benjamin Wundermann introduced the environment of e-commerce. Additionally, he introduced some effective steps, frameworks and analytical methods to market products according to digital marketing tools. Next, he emphasized the importance of SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant & Timely) goal setting.

Furthermore, he introduced the trend of incorporating AI in customer relationships, which has boosted e-commerce. Customers can use different filters to experience products, such as makeup, from the comforts of their own home.

Anna and Benjamin exchanged their experiences. They raised the problem that e-commerce might face in B2B. The outcome of that exchange was the importance of cash flow for a business!

Activity time: Dropshipping! 

With this new found knowledge, BSL students prepared themselves to participate in a team activity whereby students formed groups of 5, to come up with an e-commerce concept.

This activity was hosted and organized by fellow master student Amin Riaziat . He shared his personal experience and covered the dropshipping basics. Merging the knowledge from speakers, students now have a chance to compete against each other for a fun activity. 


Our students did a great job and came up with amazing ideas!

Winning team:

CAFECO won the competition. Congratulations to the winners: Saud Almudaihem and Pierre Friedrich

Written by Khulan Amarsaikhan

Bachelor Candidate & Head of the Sustainability Club

at Business School Lausanne