Swiss Business Education: Catalyst for Student Success

Business School Lausanne prides itself on creating educational programs that stimulate students’ creativity, leadership, and drive for innovation. For students Arshia Soltani, Alessandro Kunzi, Andrea Gregorini, and Elias Raffoul, BSL did exactly that. While enrolled at BSL, this group of students was discussing the hurdles of commuting with their professor Marko Majer, who specializes in marketing communications and generational leadership. They began to brainstorm a possible solution. 

That solution arrived with Rolljet. Originally created by three men in Slovenia, Rolljet is a product the group decided to bring to the Swiss market. Rolljet’s products are high-end backpacks mounted on three-wheeled scooters, that the user can pull beside them or ride on. When not in use, the scooter is secured into the well-designed and lightweight backpack. This innovative solution to an everyday problem demonstrates the out-of-the-box thinking that BSL works to foster among students. Read on to learn more. 

Overcoming Hurdles in Business

The Rolljet team encountered many hurdles while attempting to bring the product to Switzerland. “We faced challenges like uncertainty about market interest, trying to develop an appropriately priced product, and the unique challenge of introducing such a novel product to a market rocked by the pandemic,” says the team. Fortunately, with the knowledge and skills they refined through their business education, they were able to overcome them.

They used many different techniques to address these challenges. While enrolled in graduate business school, students learn about the importance of properly conducted market research. By conducting market research in a variety of locations, including the Geneva airport, train stations, and within the city, the team was able to gain the insights needed to refine the product and better understand their target audience. “To address the pricing problem, we studied alternatives carefully, and tried to cut any unnecessary costs when possible,” says the team. 

The Value of Their Graduate Business School’s Support 

Some of what the team accomplished with Rolljet was done so with the support and encouragement of their business school in Switzerland. “BSL supported us in many ways to pursue our ambitions,” says the team fondly. To help them achieve their goals, BSL provided space for inventory and meeting rooms, advice and consultations from professors, and a start-up competition they could use to try out their ideas. “We learned many things that are important to business: working in a team, conducting market research, consolidating a social media presence, marketing, positioning, and pricing,” the team reflects on their development. 

BSL helped support the Rolljet team in pursuing their aspirations

How These Entrepreneurs Would Advise Other Business Students 

The Rolljet team hopes that the work they’ve put into their start-up will help to inspire other BSL students. “We hope that this becomes an inspiration for students who are hungry to learn business by practicing and interacting with the market,” says the team. 

BSL understands the value of direct experience, and incorporates it into programs

When asked if they have any advice for young, aspiring entrepreneurs, they echoed their opinion that learning is best done through action. “They should leave the building and test their market hypotheses with the potential consumer as soon as possible,” the team says, “this is critical for understanding the market and the consumer’s needs.”

Do you want to find business success for yourself by working towards a business degree in Switzerland

Contact Business School Lausanne for more information.