International Opportunities in Our BBA Degree Program with Student Giang Do

International opportunities are plentiful for students who complete their studies at Business School Lausanne. This is due, in part, to the wonderful global connections that BSL has through various business interactions, but also in part to the dedication of BSL to business education transformation. With an emphasis on the entrepreneurial, practical, personalized, and experiential components of business education, our programs offer students the chance to customize their learning towards their passions and career goals. 

We sat down with Giang Do, a student enrolled in our BBA program since 2019. Her accomplishments so far during her undergraduate degree show her commitment and dedication to her own growth as an academic and a professional in the world of business. Continue reading to discover the international opportunity she was invited to recently and her role in the event.

Receiving an Invitation to an International Forum as a Bachelor Student

Giang was invited to attend the Informal Asia-Europe Meeting Seminar (ASEM) on Human Rights, which functions as an annual human rights dialogue among selected civil society participants and government representatives. With an aim to promote cooperation, collaboration, and mutual understanding between Asia and Europe, this seminar holds an important role in the political dialogue between Asia and Europe.

As the only bachelor-level participant at ASEM, Giang is getting an early start on her professional development.

Giang was the only bachelor-level student to participate in the forum, proving to be a strong role model for her peers as an inspiring leader. We asked her how she was able to earn this invitation to ASEM so early on in her business administration degree. “I have been following the Asia-Europe Foundation and Asia-Europe Meeting for a long time. I received an open call for participants to join the Human Rights & Climate Change forum, and I applied by writing a 200-word essay expressing my points of view on the subjects and what I can contribute to the dialogue. I got assigned to my group by the organizer through my areas of interest. I stated clearly in my essay how I wanted to help people, particularly in developing countries such as Vietnam, where I come from, and have a better understanding of the catastrophic environmental situation they are facing in their daily life,” she told us.

Preparing to Appear at International Events Through a BSL BBA Degree 

We wanted to learn a little bit more about Giang’s experience and how completing her BBA degree has prepared her for her appearance and contribution at this event. “First, I must thank the director of BSL, Dr Mouna Chaary, for her support and for connecting me to the faculty of BSL to help me prepare for the seminar. Throughout my preparation, our professors guided me to research the topics with different scenarios and challenged me with my solutions which develop my critical and systematic thinking to solve a big problem.”

Giang was able to prepare for her contribution at ASEM through her experiential BBA degree courses.

We also asked her how the course topics in her business administration degree helped her learn about the relevant events discussed in this forum. “I have showcased the BSL curriculum, which integrated a sustainable approach, and my classes with professor Sascha Nick – SDG Goals and Solving Big Problems to the participants and received very positive feedback. During my group discussion at the forum, I presented the Citizen Assembly as a recommendation to enhance public participation and as a knowledge-sharing platform for people in the affected areas,” she told us. With dedicated studies and a practical, relevant approach to business education, BSL students gain valuable experience throughout their courses that prepare them to take on external events and opportunities.

Using These Experiences for Future Growth

As the only bachelor-level participant, Giang is getting an early start on her contributions. With so many opportunities lying ahead, especially with this new experience under her belt, she can use this learning opportunity to further her future growth. 

We asked Giang just how much this forum participation allowed her to expand her horizons on sustainable development, green economy, and governance. “To be in the heart of the dialogue, I had the chance to exchange ideas and knowledge of sustainable development with governors and practitioners such as NGOs, the banking sector, and other civil society organizations, which, as a young person, has helped me grow and learned from the most experienced people in the sectors,” she noted. “I received a lot of positive feedback and encouragement from ASEM participants.”

When thinking about her fellow classmates, she had some advice on how they can take advantage of similar opportunities while at BSL. Her biggest piece of advice for her peers is to put themselves out there. “To put yourself out there means being outside of your comfort zone,” she said. “I would never have thought of myself being considered for such opportunities, yet I still applied with what I know and what I have learned at BSL.”

As for her own goals, Giang understands how she can best use this experience to spur future growth of her passions, education, and professional goals. “To be connected with many professionals, civil rights associates, and people who shared the same interest in international relations, human rights, and sustainability, I have learned a lot and wish to learn more about just transition and human rights and how it is interrelated to environmental challenges and every other aspect in our life,” she told us. “I hope my work in the future will contribute positively to the society where I am and make a difference in how the business world works,” she added.

Not only did BSL help connect Giang with the right faculty and mentors that helped her succeed in her forum preparation, but her courses themselves provided actionable, relevant content that helped her reach this point of preparation early in her academic career.

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