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Previous Master Classes

Monday 20th November – 17h00-18h00

Dr. Sandro Saitta

Generative AI: how it works and when to leverage it

Master Class Description

Generative AI is a subfield of Artificial Intelligence which gained momentum with the recent development of ChatGPT and DALL-E. In this presentation, we will demystify Generative AI and review key concepts, illustrating them with the example of ChatGPT. We will explore why we feel like we are speaking with a human and understand how it works. We will examine a concrete application in the hospital industry and review further use case ideas. Finally, we will review when not to use a tool like ChatGPT.

Target Audience: All Candidates interested in aspects of Data Science

Wednesday 22nd November – 17h00-18h00

Dr. Sascha Nick

Leadership, Sustainable Business, and a Better Society

Master Class Description

This masterclass will focus on similar big issues, but build on the different personal and professional experience of participants. We will explore big questions and how recent scientific insights help understand and analyze possible solutions.

To better prepare, please reflect on the following questions before the masterclass:

What has been the result of 30 years of CSR and sustainable development efforts? Is the world more or less sustainable compared to 1990, and why? What needs to change?

Target Audience: E/MBA in Sustainable Business Candidates

Monday 27th November – 17h00-18h00

Dr. Mario Saba

Design Thinking for Higher Innovations

Master Class Description

The Design Thinking Masterclass tackles the fundamental challenges of our modern world. In an era defined by unprecedented challenges and crises, the imperative for change and innovation has never been more pressing. In this dynamic and competitive landscape, solving both small and large business problems has evolved into a complex undertaking. This Masterclass will shed the light on the  transformative power of Design Thinking – a methodology that goes beyond conventional problem-solving, and equips people to create meaningful and human-centered solutions where innovation meets intention, and creativity induces change.

Target Audience: Masters in International Business (MIB) Candidates