
incub&co Mission
Partner up with aspiring entrepreneurs, start-ups and corporations to turn their ideas into functioning businesses by using knowledge, network, and investment pillars.

incub&co Facts
– 3 to 25 clients in one covid year
– 2 corporate clients
– 17 different countries presented
– 2 acceleration programmes
(Fundraising, Partnership)
– 500’000CHF raised, 1M in a pipeline

incub&co History
People in CH generally ask:
– How to start a company?
– Where to raise funds for it?
Foreigners and expats in CH generally add:
– How to get a permit in CH?
– Is it possible with my company?

By answering the above-mentioned questions, incub&co has found its niche on the Swiss market. It was created from the needs of its own partners, as all of whom are foreigners. BSL alumni Dana, Adriaan and Theophane started in 2019, became incorporated in 2020, acquired their first 3 clients and were very happy about it. Having built their startups within the incub&co framework, Adriaan and Theophane decided to remain on the advisory board and continue on their own. Nonetheless, incub&co and Dana continue collaborating with them on different projects.
#incubfam –

For Aspiring Entrepreneurs
Many people are afraid to become entrepreneurs because they think they are too young, too old or because of scarce finances. We are here to partner up.

For Startups
Pre-seed and seed funding come from informal investors, sufficient to bootstrap a project.

For Corporations
Interested in turning into an agile thinker.

So far, incub&co have worked with BSL 15 affiliated people, not only students but with faculty for their own businesses.
Among non-BSL clients, the non-exhaustive list continues to grow and is available here:

What we do
Partnership: A 6 to 12 month programme helping jump start the idea through ideation, validation, MVP development.
Fundraising: Having done the due diligence, incub&co introduces you to our pool of investors.
Advisory: Legal advice, company creation, taxes breakdown, etc.

For more information, visit their website at:


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