Business School Professor and Doctoral Supervisor
Nationality: Swiss, French
Professional Career
Dr. Emmanuelle Fauchart is an academic. She holds a PhD from University Paris Sorbonne and is a former student of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan. She has published her research in top management journals, such as Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, and Journal of Business Venturing. Her publications include topics such as: the role of intellectual property norms in the haute cuisine chef community and how they allow chefs to protect their innovations without patents; chlorine companies’ management of industry reputation and how they strategize responses to pressure from stakeholders, such as Greenpeace; entrepreneurial identities and how they explain their behaviors and the types of businesses they create; and the role of communities in entrepreneurial resourcefulness. Her current research focuses on the role of networking strategies in the performance of entrepreneurs and small firms, the role of founder identity in the performance of new ventures, and the role of anchor organizations in addressing grand challenges.
She has experience interacting with many entrepreneurs and student entrepreneurs, advising them on their business models and entrepreneurial processes, as well as on their motivations and aspirations as entrepreneurs. More generally, because her research is empirical, she has experience interacting with multiple types of actors, such as entrepreneurs, industry associations and their member companies, networking organizations, or small business owners (such as chefs, open hardware companies…), in data collection, interviews and presentations of research findings. Also, she has a long experience of co-supervising students’ theses with industry and institutional partners.
She has been invited professor at EPFL, University of Lausanne, University of Neuchâtel, HEC Paris, and MIT.
Favorite Research Topics
- Entrepreneurship: the profiles of entrepreneurs / entrepreneurial resourcefulness / company incubators
- Psychology: Identity theories and their application to managerial decisions
- Innovative / online communities: and in particular the role of social norms in their functioning
- Open innovation and user innovation: and how it can enhance organizations’ innovation performance
- Collective action: in contexts of industry action towards stakeholders and in the resolution of grand challenges by cross sector partners
- New forms of organization: in particular Holacracy and self-organization