Dr. Gulen Hashmi – Turkey

Doctoral Alumna

Nationality: Turkish

Highest Academic Degree: Executive MBA, 2011

Institution / University: Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey

Professional Career

Having my Bachelor’s in Hospitality Management from Hotelschool The Hague in the Netherlands, I have over eighteen years’ experience in the hotel industry. My work experience in Hilton International properties in Abu Dhabi and in Izmir, Turkey provided me invaluable insight and experience in management of hotel chains. Then it made sense to move on to management of small hotels where as a hotel manager, I have been able to apply my know-how at a smaller scale yet with more flexibility and a higher degree of adaptiveness. Since 2004, I am the Hotel Manager of Tempo Hotel Bucharest in Romania, which I consider my baby. Tempo Hotel Bucharest has been voted by Expedia and Tripadvisor as Distinguished Hotel of the Year both in 2010 and 2012.

Research Interest

The current global business context entails growing public as well as consumer awareness and demand for sustainable business practices; to not only enhance our highly-constrained and degraded planetary natural resources but also eliminate current imbalances in corporate wealth creation which accelerate poverty. This indicates the growing need for corporate localization strategies, to effectively reach the Outcome of Sustainability: Well-being. At the heart of these corporate localization strategies lies interactive/interconnected stakeholder engagements, to provide the input for innovation of corporate sustainable practices. My research interests lie in developing metrics, mechanisms and tools to integrate stakeholder engagements into performance measurement frameworks of corporations such as a Balanced Scorecard(BSC).

Research Specialty

Sustainability & Ethics

Statement of Motivation for a DBA

I think my main motive for desiring a DBA is the fact that I love to learn everything in the field of management. Having deepened my management related knowledge more in the Executive MBA program, I have an intrinsic drive and motivation to develop myself further academically as well as professionally. In this respect, I believe that through a well-earned DBA, I will also have the beautiful chance of pursuing careers not only in management but also in sustainability consulting and in the sacred profession of teaching, as midcareer options. A DBA will help me broaden my options in the current highly complex business environment.

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