Nicole Watson

Executive MBA in Sustainable Business

I chose BSL for my studies primarily for their MBA program in Sustainable Business.  I was also drawn to the school because of its great location in Lausanne Switzerland which I’d heard was an excellent place to study with lots of outdoor activities, and for the smaller class sizes which meant more individual communication with professors.

  • What degree are you pursuing?

Executive MBA in Sustainable Business.

  • How has your enrollment in the Executive MBA in Sustainable Business impacted your professional development?

The enrollment and courses thus far have impacted my professional development in that I feel a greater level of confidence than I did before.  I think it’s made other business professionals and peers in various industries view me in a new light also, which has given me the confidence to strive to greater professional goals in more senior positions.

  • What has been your biggest academic achievement?

My biggest academic achievement has been understanding the qualities I can bring to a group of professionals. Coming from an Arts and Media background I wasn’t sure how I’d be able to work with students from a corporate and finance backgrounds. Through the modules and course work however, I’ve learned the value of my skills and qualities that I bring working on business cases, and with students from various professional backgrounds.

  • Can you share with us some of your professional aspirations and career goals?

Coming from a background in film production as well as founding and running an NGO for 5 years the ‘econic earth foundation’, I wanted to take some time to build on my professional education.  I chose BSL primarily for its’ Sustainable Business MBA program, as I am looking to move into for-profit business models that hold true to my values in environmental conservation and greater global balance.  Working in the nonprofit sector and with communities in Sub Saharan Africa, I realized that in order to create real impactful change and shift models from donor dependency, they must encompass an economic flow. I believe that in order to shift the world towards greater sustainable practices, we must evolve business models as to encompass natures fine balance. I truly believe this is possible and look forward to applying this new knowledge gained from the BSL program into my future work projects.

  • What would you tell someone who is considering joining the Executive MBA in Sustainable Business?

I would tell someone considering joining the Executive MBA in Sustainable Business to just go for it.  The tools and information you will learn on sustainability are becoming integral parts of business development and operations management.  Also there are so many new models in business and it’s great to do a refresher if you’ve studied this in the past, especially with a focus on environmental and social issues applied to business.  With new tech integration and emerging markets and the nature positive and circular economies taking president in business, by doing a course like this you will be ahead of the game with new abilities to implement strategies that have a lasting impact on the planet.