Dual MBA – Big Data

An exclusive program run in partnership between:

Business School Lausanne (BSL)


Seoul School of Integrated Sciences & Technologies (aSSIST)

Program Overview

The Big Data MBA dual degree is an exclusive program run in partnership between Business School Lausanne (BSL) and Seoul School of Integrated Sciences & Technologies (aSSIST). The students attending the program need to meet the admission requirements of both schools. In addition, they also required to successfully complete 48 credits to be awarded the aSSIST’s Big Data MBA degree and BSL MBA degree.

The Big Data MBA is a 1.5 year program that fuses modules from the MBA program with big data analysis and data-driven decision making topics. The design of the program aims in providing working professionals with a curriculum that supports them in developing specialized knowledge in big data, while enhancing their business skills for future career development.

Discover more about the Big Data MBA program here.

Program Features

Four parts program

  1.  Students attending classes in Korea for an amount of 37.5 credits
  2.  BSL professors joining students in Korea
  3.  Students need to deliver aSSIST thesis
  4.  Students traveling to Switzerland for two weeks for the Big Data Boot Camp
  • Big Data MBA is a 48 credits and 1.5 years program
  • The courses run Friday 18:30 – 22:20 and Saturday 08:30 – 17:20
  • Field-oriented curriculum that aims in fostering global-level data scientists
  • Program design for working professional to continue working while attending classes
  • 2 weeks in Switzerland in Lausanne for the Big Data Boot Camp
  • The instruction languages are two: Korean (for courses taught by aSSIST) and English (for courses taught by BSL and Boot Camp)

To discover more about the program’s curriculum, please click here.

MBA Big Data

About aSSIST

Seoul School of Integrated Sciences & Technologies (aSSIST), established in Korea in 2003, offers Masters and Ph.D.s degree in business administration, and the opportunity to acquire double degrees from partners US and European business schools and universities.

The programs focus on up-to-date management issues, combining cutting-edge technology and management theory with the aim of fostering specialized professional growth. The intention of their degrees is to develop leaders through ethical principles of management and sustainability.

For the past 13 years, aSSIST has educated professionals from national and multinational corporations like Samsung, LG Electronics and Korea Electric Power Corporation.

The Big Data MBA program is an exclusive partnership between BSL and aSSIST.

The program starts and its main courses run in Seoul, Korea, with 2 weeks of study in Switzerland.

The main point of contact for the program is Professor Jinho Kim – aSSIST

Program Format

Duration: 1.5 years

Course intake: 

  • Fall intake
  • Spring intake


  • The courses are scheduled in two days: Friday 18h30 – 22h20 and Saturday 08h30 – 17h20
  • 30 course to be completed
  • Students need to complete a thesis

Program Credits: 48 US credits

Get in touch!

Interested in discovering more about aSSIST and the Dual MBA Big Data program, please connect with:

Prof. Jinho Kim, Dean aSSIST Big Data Graudate School

Seoul School of Integrated Sciences & Technologies 46, Ewhayeodae 2-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, 03767