Certificate of Advanced Studies & Diploma of Advanced Studies

Tuition Fees & Scholarships

Tuition Fees

Executive Certificates of Advanced Studies (E-CAS) costs CHF 12’500.
The Executive Certificates of Advanced Studies (E-CAS) in Sustainable Business costs CHF 9’000.
The Diploma of Advanced Studies costs CHF 22’500.

An Administrative Fee of CHF 800 is required to reserve a seat and payable upon acceptance.
An Application fee of CHF 120 is required when submitting your application for review.

Fiscal deduction of tuition fees

If you are a Swiss resident and you pay your taxes in Switzerland, you may be allowed to partially deduct your tuition fees from your taxable income. The rules are different in each canton. We advise you to check this with the fiscal authorities of the canton you live in.

Payment Plan

A deferred payment plan during the length of the program is available on request and financial facilitations are available. 
Scholarships are not available.