Research & Publications

Research & Publications at BSL

75% of our research output is produced by female faculty.

BSL focuses on applied research mainly in the domains of enabling organizations to become positive contributors to society. This is in line with our mission which seeks “to enable organizations to thrive by co-creating viable business solutions for our planet and its people”. As such, we provide leading edge concepts such as the Business Sustainability Typology BST (Dyllick & Muff) as well as our Responsible Leadership Framework (Muff) which serve as foundations for further consulting activities with companies.

Our Doctoral Program develops case studies based on the BST Typology which are freely accessible online. In 2016, we released our new Thought Leadership strategy aiming to contribute to a transformation of the economy and society by enabling business to positively contribute to a better world through the development of strategic resilience and responsible leaders.

The strategy encapsulates what BSL has accomplished over the past three years and provides a beacon for where the school is headed. We welcome collaborations with organizations of all kind – please feel free to contact us if you would like to discuss how we can help you advance in your journey.

Download the BSL Thought Leadership Strategy (2016)

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Case Study published by BSL DBA Student Steven Yamshon

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Relating Sustainable Goals: Launching the Gap Frame Website

In March 2017, the Gap Frame website,, was launched with the intention to measure the gap of where we …Read more

Paul Polman’s Impact on BSL Journal Covered by HuffPost

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